Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm Happy With My Uni Results!

I checked which university I got accepted into and yes!!! I got my first choice! Cool, huh? I'm awfully happy. And no more worrying if I'll ever be offered a place in university or not. All my worries are over! Well, almost over. There's still life in university that I have to think about.

Most of my friends are glad with their offers but unfortunately, there are some who aren't. For example, those who did not get the course they want or their universities are too far away! Well, who asked them to list out the far away universities? I'm not sure if they listed them or not. Maybe they were just offered some course as the course still has not enough students in it. I don't know but they can either appeal or just go on with their given course.

It's absolutely tiring and busy for me nowadays. I have to help take care of my nephew! He's so active and naughty. Oh, he's a little, tiny terror! You wouldn't believe his tricks! Haha! Mischievous little fella!

Okay, it's time to say good night!

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